20 Benefits of Walking 30 Minutes Per Day
Reduces Risk of Heart Disease
Helps to Maintain Weight
Reduces Your Stress Levels
Increases Your Energy Levels
Helps to Boost Your Mood
Gets the Blood Pumping
Prevents Obesity
Can Help to Reduce Anxiety
Increases Functioning of the Lungs
Increases the Body’s Access to Vitamin D
Reduces the Risk of Cancer
Can Improve Quality of Sleep
Gives You Time to Practice Self Care
Improves Coordination and Balance
Improves Quality of Life
Reduces the Chances of Diabetes
Walking Can Spark Creativity
Strengthens Bones and Muscles
Can Improve Blood Pressure
Can Help to Boost Your Immune System
Walking is a great way to improve your overall health and well being. A brisk walk for an average of 30 minutes a day for 5 days or 150 minutes of exercise per week can lower the risk of heart disease and stroke by 35% and type 2 diabetes by 40%. The same goes for jogging/running, so get out there and move!